The Radiant Mind Cyber Week Sale
$69/Month + $750 Off + The Binaural Entrainment Bonus Stack ($497 Value)
Expires Friday, December 1st at Midnight Pacific
With Binaural Entrainment in All Seven Frequencies
Epsilon, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma & Lambda
You’ve landed on this page because you can sense that the power of your mind is far greater than you’re experiencing in your day-to-day life.
It’s the visceral feeling that you are barely scratching the surface of your higher cognitive capacities and potential.
We all know from our direct, felt experience when our brain is fully “online” and when it’s operating at less than its full capacity.
We’ve all experienced diminished mental performance after a poor night’s sleep or when we are feeling sick and under the weather. Our physical actions are more sluggish and laboured. Our brain is foggy, and our thoughts are far less coherent than normal.
Conversely, we’ve all tasted those special moments where we’ve spontaneously dropped into an expanded state of perception and awareness. Our actions become automatic, intuitive, and precise. Our thoughts are creative, clear, and laser focused.
And perhaps most importantly, we feel fully alive!
The sad reality is that most people go through their life unconsciously oscillating between these two extremes, between diminished and heightened mental capacity and their corresponding levels of physical vitality.
Unfortunately, many people will never discover how to unlock their mental potential or learn how to consistently access these expanded states of consciousness, and their more empowered capacities, at will.
What if there was a way for you to consistently and reliably access these expansive cognitive potentials on demand?
What if you could train these latent capabilities to become second nature, so that you could access them in your daily life, especially when you need them most?
One of the greatest ways that human beings have discovered to accelerate our developmental evolution is through transformative practice.
Whether through meditation, yoga, breathwork, martial arts, or more esoteric techniques, each of these modalities offers something unique to our developmental toolkit, and serves to cultivate distinct higher capacities and potentials that we can call upon in our daily life.
The challenge with many of these transformative modalities is that you often need to practice them consistently for many years, and sometimes decades, to fully reap the benefits and advanced abilities they have deep within them.
While this can be an incredibly rewarding path, most of us don’t have the time, patience, or discipline to pursue these practices long enough to reap their greatest rewards.
Fortunately, over the last few decades, there have been some truly remarkable scientific breakthroughs that are making many of these advanced states, and their corresponding capacities, accessible to people from all walks of life, without needing to commit to years of intense discipline and practice to harness them.
One of these remarkable technologies combines the latest understanding of neuroscience with digital auditory and neurofeedback technology to produce a range of seven specific frequencies that give us access to the full spectrum of our mental states and the vast array of potentials that lay dormant within us.
Most significantly, they have discovered how we can “hack” and entrain our brain to access these higher states and capacities at will!
In 1839, German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove made a profound discovery that would have a significant impact for centuries to come.
He found that when the brain received different frequencies in each ear, it produced a neurological phenomenon in the brain that would harmonize both frequencies together as if they were one. He published his findings in the scientific journal Repertorium der Physik, where his discovery was met with some acclaim, however, due to the technological limitations of the time, they were ultimately left to gather dust until the digital age.
It was not until 150 years later that Gerald Oster, a biophysicist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, reintroduced Heinrich’s pioneering research to the world and demonstrated the potential that this remarkable neurological phenomenon made possible with the tools of modern technology.
In 1973, Oster published his groundbreaking article in Scientific American, where he brought together a diverse array of research and evidence that sparked a new generation of researchers from around the world to explore the potential of transformative technology.
Over the past few decades, with significant advances in digital technology, there has been an explosion of new research, demonstrating the innumerable benefits of neuro oscillation technology and auditory brainwave entrainment.
As these researchers have proven, when this technology is used correctly, it gives us access to a wide array of benefits including, deeper sleep, improved problem solving, reduced anxiety, better skill retention, enhanced creativity, and so much more…
Most importantly, it gives each of us the power to influence and cultivate our desired mental states at will, unlocking powerful abilities and experiences that were once considered out of reach.
Unlock the Power of Your 7 Scientifically Proven Brain States
Your brain is producing distinct electromagnetic neural oscillations 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Each of your unique brain states has specific capacities and abilities you can unlock to access the full spectrum of your potential.
The Radiant Mind Collection is a full spectrum brainwave entrainment library that gives you access to the seven scientifically proven brain states that all humans have available but rarely know how to reach.
With this full spectrum binaural suite, you can tap into the remarkable benefits of each one of these unique brainwave states at will.
And more importantly, when you use these tools consistently, they can help to entrain these incredible brain states, and their corresponding capacities, to become ingrained into your neurophysiology so that you can call upon them at any moment you want.
Whether it’s the heightened focus of beta, the increased problem-solving and integrative thinking of gamma, ultra lucid unity consciousness of lambda, the calming relaxing anxiety-relieving state of alpha, or the dreamy creative state of theta for deep learning and the full reset and deep dive Delta.
The Soundtrack to Access Your Full Potential
Get Access to the Complete Soundtrack to Amplify Every Moment of Your Day
Our team at Sacred Media has been utilizing the power of advanced binaural technologies for over a decade. In fact, every member on our team uses them regularly with profound and life-changing results.
We use them to enhance our team synergy when working on collaborative projects. And we use them to enter into deep focus when we are completing our daily tasks. We use them to drop into our heart when we are writing to our friends, family, and community.
We use them to enhance our meditation practice so we can rapidly enter into profound states of expanded awareness. We even use binaural entrainment to help us fall asleep faster and have a deeper, more restful night’s sleep.
Needless to say, we are incredibly passionate about this technology because of the profound difference it’s made in our personal lives and in the performance of our business.
For many years we have been dreaming about creating a cutting-edge binaural collection of our own. One that brings together the full spectrum of frequencies we use daily into a complete brainwave entrainment system.
After using this technology daily for many years, and testing virtually every binaural audio technology available, we decided to reach out to one of the most cutting-edge leaders in the brain entrainment space, iAwake Technologies, to collaborate on designing the ultimate binaural collection.
Our vision was to create a robust audio suite that gives us complete access to all 7 brainwave states, on demand, any time we want.
Whether it’s the heightened focus of beta, the increased problem-solving and integrative thinking of gamma, the ultra lucid unity consciousness of lambda, the calming, relaxing, anxiety-relieving state of alpha, the dreamy, creative state of theta for deep learning, or the full reset and deep dive of delta.
We’re excited to announce that after many years of experimentation and research, our vision has finally come to reality!
When You Reserve Your Copy of Radiant Mind Collection
Before Friday, December 1st at Midnight You’ll Also Receive
the Binaural Entrainment Bonus Stack
Plus The 3 Album Biofield Collection ($247 Value)
When You Complete Register Before Friday, December 1st at Midnight Pacific
When you complete your registration before Friday, December 1st at Midnight Pacific, You’ll receive an additional early registration gift of the Biofield Collection that includes the Breath of Life, Coming Home & Heart of Eternity Albums.
Biofield encoded audio is a remarkable technology this is based on the premise that every object or physical substance―everything in the universe―is made up of, and is emitting energy. When two or more fields enter into energetic alignment with one another, this is called resonance. What happens is an interchange―as two fields interface, they exchange energy and information.
These unique Biofield soundscapes are the perfect complement to the powerful binaural audios that are included in the Radiant Mind Full Spectrum Brainwave Entrainment Collection.
Plus The 3 Album Guided Meditation Collection ($247 Value)
When You Complete Register Before Friday, December 1st at Midnight Pacific
When you complete your registration before Friday, December 1st at Midnight Pacific, You’ll receive an additional early registration gift of the Guided Meditation Suite that includes the Awaken Inner Wisdom, Life Force Activation, and Depths of Being entrainment albums.
These masterfully crafted binaurally encoded guided meditation audios will lead you through several distinct transformative experiences that are designed to support your healing, empowerment, and spiritual awakening.
These unique guided meditation soundscapes are the perfect complement to the powerful binaural audios that are included in the Radiant Mind Full Spectrum Brainwave Entrainment Collection.
Cultivate a powerful transformative practice that gives you access to the full spectrum of your scientifically proven brain frequencies to unlock the distinct states and capacities that are laying dormant in you right now.
Join a global community of practitioners who are utilizing the power of binaural entrainment technology to raise their own consciousness and the consciousness of their families, communities, and our planet.
What Thought Leaders Are Saying…
Own your day! Try Radiant Mind for 30 days and see how you feel! If you don’t absolutely love it, for any reason, we’ll refund your money.
Join the Radiant Mind Revolution
This one-of-a-kind collection includes 19 carefully selected brainwave entrainment programs, with over 50 beautifully crafted soundscapes, masterfully encoded with the full spectrum of the 7 scientifically proven brainwave frequencies that unlock the complete array of states and capacities the brain has available.
If you’re inspired to access the full spectrum of your seven scientifically proven brain states through this powerful neuro-oscillation technology, you’ll need to reserve your Radiant Mind Brain Entrainment Collection soon.
The Radiant Mind Cyber Week Sale
$69/Month + $750 Off + Binaural Entrainment Bonus Suite ($497 Value)
Expires Friday, December 1st at Midnight Pacific
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
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What Listeners Are Saying…
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.
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Own your day! Try Radiant Mind for 30 days and see how you feel! If you don’t absolutely love it, for any reason, we’ll refund your money.